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What is self?

Except the human race none of the lives in the universe has any thing called “self”. This is the cause for the non-characteristic quality present in all the lives except .......
  (April 17, 2003) More...

This is a reply by SWAMIJI to a query on 'Evolution'. Evolutions happen rarely in persons. In the life of human beings there are certain natural upgrading... (Dec 11 2002) More...
Qualitative Numberless And Their Transmigration
The macrocosom energy and the microcosom energy are working in the universe. These two cosmic energies are working seperately in the universe now... (Nov 16 2002) More ...
When Does Transmigration Occur?
 A pious man's mind is fully flexible for the transmigration of souls in the space. The souls require the following for the transmigration in the living body of
a man or... (Nov 13 2002) More ...
All The Experiences Of The Human Body - Are They Scientific Or Not?
TRANCE: This conscious state is exclusively without the mind’s connection with the body. It is a very fabulous experience of a religious person. This experience is called trance...  (Nov 11 2002) More ...

Macrocosmic And Microcosmic Energy
The macrocosom energy and the microcosom energy are working in the universe. These two cosmic energies are working seperately in the universe now... (Mar 22 2002) More ...

Religion For Knowledge Evolution
A bundle of enormous thinking and thoughts of so many thinkers of the world embedded heriditarily in the mind by a very big group in the world, preserved (protected) for the ensuing generation of the people... (Mar 22 2002) More ...

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