Philosophical doctrines are called as esoterism.
This is a natural science for administrating
the feeling of the human being. Strictly speaking,
this science is very popular in India and hinduism
for so many eras. A creativeness in the feeling
of esoteric, acts as a principle in this subject.
It is a practical science to the religious minded
people. This is connected to religion. As a
philosophy, the explanation of the esoteric
actions induce a feeling of estacy in the human
being. The practice of this will immediately
create estacy in the human concentrated feeling.
Joy is created in the estacy.
estacy state is the pre-esoteric condition.
It is a semi consicious condition of the absolute
state of a man. At that time, a thin conscious
feeling will prevail in the midst of the estacy
condition. That consciousness is called the
super conscious condition of a man. This estacy
triggers our mind to make contact with the super
consciousness that exists in the universe. When
we are in the universal super-conscious-condition,
that esoteric talent gives us the power to do
and perform supernatural works, which is a gift.
teacher who teaches this esoteric body subject
should instruct the student to switch off their
mind immediately and try to mingle with their
estacy inch by inch. This dogmatic science and
instruction makes a person to connect his self
with the universal sound. Merging with various
types of sounds and octaves are all special
lessons in this subject. First the teacher should
read the pupil in their estacy and then he can
judge the condition of the inner body of the
pupil by his esoteric actions. So, each and
every student will be given a seperate octave
for their merging point in the ectasy. Supernatural
powers are the results of the esoteric science.
Ardent devotees will get result in this subject.